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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Winter season in New York City

By Wendell Hawes

There are so many travel wishes in life, but one is a dream for every traveler, the Christmas time in New York. But why is it that interesting to go to New York during the Christmas season?

New York is quite different in the wintertime but it is a must for anyone who enjoys to go shopping all day long. During the wintertime the fast city gets another feeling and stunnes the visitor by an unknown warmth. You hear from everywhere the winter sounds and the wintry atmosphere creates a warmth to the every New Yorkers. The people are open up and are even more helpful at this point of the year.

Large malls have in the wintertime beautifully decorated glass cases and also exceptionally good articles. In addition to the huge department stores, which are a necessity in the event that you attended the Christmas season in New York, there are many excellent other places to see in New York.

Also worth seeing is the Lower East Side. The Historic Orchard Road is an area that consists of the Orchard, Grand and Delancey Street, as well as the surrounding areas. In that part of the village more than 400 different shops poses as well as many snack ibises. There are ostensibly clothes, body soap and slippers as well as handbags to the extent reduced. On the last day of the week, the stores are extremely full, because on Saturday are the shops sealed in terms of the non-Christian holidays.

To advise as well is the outstanding 5th Avenue. It is one where you can find a pleasant mixture of high prices Boutiques, famous malls, not big shops and attractions such as the St. Patrick's Church and the Rockefeller center.

Those who travel to New York for Christmas season should go to the Lower Plaza of the Rockefeller Center. Besides the fact that this is a good address go to shopping, the Lower Plaza changes during the Christmas season to a huge ice rink, at which entire New York City meets.

Rockefeller Center is also the place where the famous Christmas tree is placed, which is by the way about 25 meters high and is the largest Christmas tree in the United States. The Fifth Avenue is especially between the 50th and 59th Street an absolute must when it comes to go shopping in New York City. We have there a pleasant mixture of not cheap designer, famous department stores, small shops, and attractions such as the St. Patrick Church and the Rockefeller center.

Who does not just come for a few days for Christmas to New York City, but has more time has to go by ferry or the bus to New Jersey. At this point you can admire the traditional U.S. American family houses, with their front yards and the houses piled up the lighted Christmas decorations.

The sentiment that New York has blossomed in the wintertime seems unmistakable in this world. Although despite, the selection range of Christmas trees, colored lights and Santa Clauses, of which all are fascinated in the event that you visited the Christmas season in New York, some would probably identify them as exaggerated and cheesy, but they will still feel at home and secure in the city of New York. If you have the luck, while visiting the Christmas season in New York City, to be surprised by the first flakes, one will experience that the city stops for a mini moment and experience the hustle and bustle of the snow. In short, it is interesting to visit New York during Christmas at least one time in a lifetime.

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