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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Bruges Museums to Suit All

By Steve Alexander

As well as charming canals and amazing architecture, there are also plenty of weird and wonderful museums to discover in Bruges, which makes it a fantastic destination for a city break.

Since the Roman times, lace has been made in Europe, but the craft took off in Belgium in the 16th century. The traditional art of lace making is preserved and promoted at Bruges' Lace Center Museum or Kantcentrum, which traces its development in the city with a permanent exhibition displaying a variety of lace and explaining the process by which it's created. Lace making skills can also be learnt at the workshop there.

The Choco-Story is a museum in Bruges dedicated to all things chocolate, and takes you on a fascinating tour through the history, processes and personalities behind everyone's favourite treat. Find out how cocoa beans are grown, harvested, and transformed into glorious, creamy chocolate.

Discover how chocolate has gone from being a stimulating drink enjoyed by the Aztecs to the ubiquitous snack it is today. Learn about the nutritional benefits of chocolate (well, we want to believe this!) and finally see the tempering process taking place at the hands of an expert chocolatier. After all, a trip to Bruges just wouldn't be the same without chocolate.

Plan a trip to the Lumina Domestica museum as it's time we all stopped being kept in the dark about the development of domestic lighting. With more than 6,500 lamps on show, and taking you back 400,000 years to early man's first use of fire to cook food and illuminate his surroundings at night, it is the largest museum dedicated to interior lighting in the world. The spirit of Aladdin's lamp will welcome you to the museum and is perhaps the most famous item of domestic lighting equipment in fiction. You'll also discover the idiosyncrasies of lighting design around the world and through the ages.

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